Monday, June 22, 2009

Cupcakes and canoeing....what could be better?

Today we found a gluten-free bakery just a short distance from our house. I was so excited. It was run by a few ladies who homemade everything from bread to pizza, cookies, cupcakes, cheesecake, sandwiches....basically everything you would ever want. It was a cute little shop with a bookshelf full of gluten-free cooking books and the woman behind the counter completely understood my excitment over all the goodies to choose from. After our stop to get me a treat, we went to Greenlake and rented a canoe. We were a little nervous at first, the three of us tend of get a little crazy when we are together...fighting, hitting each other...that sort of thing. Basically we act like we are 10 years old. Not a super good combination for a skinny canoe on a lake. There were a few close calls when we almost tipped the boat trying to move around but we made it back safe. It was so fun, the lake is so pretty and we really enjoyed it. It was something we have wanted to do since we first got here and something we will for sure be doing again. We have some interviews lined up for this week, everyone cross your fingers! Im sure we will be missing days like this once we get a full schedule.


  1. ki those are gorgeous pictures, i am so jealous of your gluten free day but SO happy for you! love you lots!

  2. PLEASE don't lose these pictures so we can frame some!! they are really cool. Miss you!
