Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pizza pizza!

So Seattle has been good to me when it comes to food. Nothing gets me more excited than finding something gluten free that I don't usually get to eat. Yesterday I had been at work all day, it takes me two hours to get there by bus and I have to walk a mile and a half from the bus stop to the Costco where I am working right now. By the end of the day I am exhausted and I don't want to do anything but get in sweats and lounge! I know the exciting life of a 20 year old. Well I was coming home thinking about what I could make for dinner that would be quick and easy when I get a call from Chelsea, the best friend anyone could ask for, saying that she is ordering us gluten free pizza from this place we have seen for months. We had not gotten a chance to eat there yet and Chelsea wanted to make sure I got to eat pizza before we left. They delivered our BBQ chicken pizza and I was at the door before they even rang. I can't even tell you how good it tasted. I was never a huge pizza fan before I started eating gluten free but once I couldnt have it there are times when it sounds so good. Chelsea always gets just as excited, if not more excited than me when I get to eat something good, she happily enjoyed the gluten free pizza with me. True friendship. Thanks Chels chels! You made my day so much better!

mama we need to come back to Seattle and just the whole trip!


  1. i know we will go back someday, thanks chels for being such a good friend! so happy for your pizza treat!

  2. You are lucky to have such a good friend to even eat gluten free pizza with you. Does it taste pretty close to real thing? How and your mom should open a resturant in Hawaii! : )
